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Sensei App


Below is art that Martial Art Schools Members can use. Remember you must have a signed agreement And Credentials to a sensei app in order to be considered a member. Whether on your website, your store front or on published literature this art is yours to use wherever you wish. If the art or location of it does not meet the expectations of

Dragon Force Ninjas LLC we will ask you to remove it.

Regular logo.

If you wish to use our

logo on gi's you can easily do so

by contacting us. We'll fill you

in on all the details.

Each step our students go up requires a new form. This is the icon we use for our forms you can choose to use our icons or stick With whatever you're already using. This is not a requirement it is just an option.

Promotional art is great to use on websites and emails it gives us an excellent excuse to stay in contact with our clients. Below are options of email contact art, help yourself.

official reward location
official reward location
Official rewards center dragon haven
Official rewards center dragon haven

As time goes on we will continue to add approved art made by Dragon Force Ninjas LLC. Keep yourself posted